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The Oracle Spill

Diana Delaney, Diana Delaney’s Blog, Diana Pythia, The Oracle Spill, Wild Light Arts, Health Coach, Creativity Coach, Wellness Coaching, Ecopsychology, Deep Ecology, Healing Arts, Nutrition, Healthy Life Style, Earthing, Nature, Boho, Art, Art Therapy, Therapeutic Art, Heath and Wellness Coach, Spiritual Coach, Spirituality, Tarot, Poetry, Archetypes, Awakening. Evolution (r)Evollution, Healing Facilitator, Wellness, Mindfulness, Mixed Media Arts, Watercolor, Crafts Person, Wild, Wisdom Teacher, Wayseer, Lightworker, Activist, Social Justice, Restorative Justice, Ceremony, Plant Medicine, Herbalism, Flowers, Gardening, wildlightarts

Joanna Macy - Choosing Life - at Bioneers

Diana Delaney

Deep Ecology extends an inalienable right to life to all beings. A systems theorist, author and lifelong activist, Joanna Macy describes how healing the world and healing your heart and soul go hand in hand. This talk took place at the 2013 Bioneers National Conference and is part of the Protecting and Restoring Nature Collection, Vol. 1. Since 1990, Bioneers has acted as a fertile hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world's most pressing environmental and social challenges. To experience talks like this, please join us at the Bioneers National Conference each October, and regional Bioneers Resilient Community Network gatherings held nationwide throughout the year. For more information on Bioneers, please visit and stay in touch via Facebook ( and Twitter (