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The Oracle Spill

Diana Delaney, Diana Delaney’s Blog, Diana Pythia, The Oracle Spill, Wild Light Arts, Health Coach, Creativity Coach, Wellness Coaching, Ecopsychology, Deep Ecology, Healing Arts, Nutrition, Healthy Life Style, Earthing, Nature, Boho, Art, Art Therapy, Therapeutic Art, Heath and Wellness Coach, Spiritual Coach, Spirituality, Tarot, Poetry, Archetypes, Awakening. Evolution (r)Evollution, Healing Facilitator, Wellness, Mindfulness, Mixed Media Arts, Watercolor, Crafts Person, Wild, Wisdom Teacher, Wayseer, Lightworker, Activist, Social Justice, Restorative Justice, Ceremony, Plant Medicine, Herbalism, Flowers, Gardening, wildlightarts

Lettering Creations

Diana Delaney

I’ve been practicing mindfulness and meditation through art for a really long time. Probably going all the way back to childhood, before being conscious of it. It really brings me so much joy to create. Lately I’ve been practicing lettering with quotes that inspire me and open my mind, and some that make me laugh. Click on the photo below to view the various quotes and lettering iterations.
