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The Oracle Spill

Diana Delaney, Diana Delaney’s Blog, Diana Pythia, The Oracle Spill, Wild Light Arts, Health Coach, Creativity Coach, Wellness Coaching, Ecopsychology, Deep Ecology, Healing Arts, Nutrition, Healthy Life Style, Earthing, Nature, Boho, Art, Art Therapy, Therapeutic Art, Heath and Wellness Coach, Spiritual Coach, Spirituality, Tarot, Poetry, Archetypes, Awakening. Evolution (r)Evollution, Healing Facilitator, Wellness, Mindfulness, Mixed Media Arts, Watercolor, Crafts Person, Wild, Wisdom Teacher, Wayseer, Lightworker, Activist, Social Justice, Restorative Justice, Ceremony, Plant Medicine, Herbalism, Flowers, Gardening, wildlightarts


Diana Delaney

My Blog Is A Wild Ride, Although I Am Not Mr. Toad, I Have Been Effected by Various Iterations of Him(s). I tuned in, I turned on & then I Dropped Out. The Patriarchy & The Male Gaze can F Itself, IMO.

Buckle Up, Strap In, Or Strap On. Your Choice. I Believe in a Woman’s Right to Choose. Me Too.

My Only Hooters Outfit.