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About Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA) Podcast

ABOUT FAMILY SCAPEGOATING ABUSE (FSA): Adult Child Podcast w/ Rebecca C. Mandeville, LMFT - Part One

Did you know that family scapegoating can happen in any dysfunctional family system - not just a narcissistic one? Andrea Ashley of 'Adult Child Podcast' interviews Psychotherapist and internationally recognized Family Systems expert Rebecca C. Mandeville @beyondfamilyscapegoatingabuse, author of 'Rejected, Shamed, and Blamed: Help and Hope for Adults in the Family Scapegoat Role'. In Part One of this four-part Podcast, Rebecca discusses what drew her to specialize in Family Systems and what led to her initiating her research on what she eventually named, 'Family Scapegoating Abuse' (FSA). FSA's relationship with intergenerational trauma and complex trauma (C-PTSD) is also addressed, as well as blatant (overt) versus subtle (covert) forms of FSA.

- Intro 1:20 - Andrea shares her connection to Rebecca's work. 2:15 - What is a family Genogram? 3:25 - Family Systems versus Internal Family Systems. 4:40 - FSA versus narcissistic abuse. 5:48 - On coining the term 'family scapegoating abuse' (FSA). 6:15 - FSA and complex trauma (C-PTSD). 8:00 - No Escape: How children develop complex trauma. 9:34 - When scapegoating isn't obvious (Andrea's experience) 10:55 - Subtle versus blatant forms of family scapegoating. 11:28 - Examples of overt, blatant scapegoating. 11:57 - The Narcissistic Martyr Parent Ploy 12:40 - Covert scapegoating of the family Empath. 13:35 - Getting "tarred and feathered" energetically by your family.

The SCAPEGOAT'S BURDEN: Carrying the FAMILY SHADOW - Part 2 of the Adult Child Podcast

[Part 2 of 4]: In DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY SYSTEMS that are driven by the Family Projective Identification Process, the Empath or Highly Sensitive (HSP) child / adult child may find themselves in the 'Scapegoat' role due to their becoming the repository for the family's 'disowned parts' (e.g., individual and systemic trauma, anxiety, pain) - a dynamic that can happen in ANY social group where unconscious dynamics and processes are at play. Tune in as Andrea Ashley of the Adult Child Podcast and Rebecca C. Mandeville, psychotherapist and author of 'Rejected, Shamed, and Blamed', continue to explore how scapegoating can occur in dysfunctional, traumatized families - even when there are no narcissists involved.

0:00 - Intro 0:22 - Defining the Family Projective Identification Process. 1:01 - The scapegoat carries the 'Shadow' for the 'tribe'. 2:04 - Scapegoating and the family Empath / Truth-teller 2:45 - How children develop 'fawn' / submit behaviors. 3:09 - The 'fight' response in scapegoated children. 3:46 - The "Cry for Help" trauma response. 4:14 - Scapegoat as potential source of healing for family. 4:59 - Scapegoat as carrier of intergenerational trauma. 5:45 - Living the distorted 'scapegoat narrative'. 6:19 - Scapegoating and the term 'Identified Patient' (IP). 9:07 - Why family therapy can be re-traumatizing to the family scapegoating / IP. 11:20 - Setting limits and terms regarding familial re-connection. 12:57 - Why scapegoating family members rarely apologize. 13:22 - Parents who realize they are scapegoating their child.