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Greener For Life - Though Also an Evergreen State College ExPatriot and a Reluctant Rebel

This conversation, in the video below, between Heather Heying and Brett Weinstein (both of whom are Evolutionary Biology, PhDs and previous faculty of The Evergreen State College) reminds me a lot of Steve Hassan's work on Cult Dynamics. Essentially in their discussion of current kerfuffles and crimes in the financial crypto currency markets, it sounds a lot like something that results from cult dynamics playing out. Heather and Brett liken the crypto currency debacles to what happened with Enron in 2001, and it sounds like what happened at Enron also turned into a financial cult dynamic.

Sam Bankman Fried behaved much like a cult leader baiting people with the "normal guy" exterior while living in "elegance" in a parallel life he created on an island, which was hidden behind the scenes. Much like Epstein, Much like Trump. Brett’s brother Eric might refer to it as a construct persona that Sam Bankman Fried was playing out, as he referred to Epstein.

The construct has the fallacy of authenticity, bought and sold, while pretending all the while as a front puppeteer as a whole other world is playing out behind the wizard distracting the masses. Either way you pronounce Bankman Fried (as in he was freed from the bankmen and/or fried, like chicken, this story has all the foundational and structural bones of a good fiction story with hidden symbolism flashing so frenetically that it goes almost unseen by most people, right in front of everyone's eyes.

Isn't this pretty much the idea of the code of the fraternal order, which again often mimics cult dynamics and/or religious fervor of hierarchy and narratives spun to hide nefarious and unbecoming behaviors in plain sight.  Making things so obvious, and then claim if one sees through the masks and theater, behind the curtain spotting the stage setters, that they are crazy, delusional, paranoid or riling up conspiracy theories?

I also have this imagined vision that either Sam Bankman Freed wanted to be free from the cult of the financial and crypto markets as a cult leader, or following being made a fall-guy as a media distraction to hide the more widespread diabolical behaviors of the markets behind the scenes, perhaps he was hoisted up to look like the problem while the more powerful were pulling his strings in the background. Or perhaps he was just a normal guy who signed documents that he didn't understand in exchange for money or real estate/material goods, to make it look like he was the initiator of the fraud, when he could be a front-man for the fraud.

Will we ever know? Media in cahoots with politicians and celebrity spin the cyphers at tornado sharknado speed, more so than ever. What will be revealed, and what can be revealed legally? Will homeland security be used as an excuse to prevent the truth from being revealed?

And what does the patriot act have to do with it, if anything? What is the debacle not linked to? We already know it's linked to media, big tech, the financial markets and big pharma, medicine and healthcare.  

RE:  Kelsey Piper:  being associated with Stanford (and also considering Stanford’s history with the Rand corporation and intelligence agencies as well as some connection to the origins and/or usage of the delpi method, If I am recalling correctly) makes me question whether she has two jobs, and also has a journalistic front and perhaps works with the "security state" behind the curtain/scene/spectacle.

- from a fellow Evergreen State College Expat

Oh, turns out I was recalling correctly. More about the Rand Corporation and the Delphi Method below:

Cult Dynamics are Everywhere. In Relationships, Families, Communities, in Academia, in the Workplace, in Religion, in Law Enforcement, in Politics and in so many facets and avenues of society. We are experiencing an epidemic of extremism and cult dynamics in current times. Steve Hassan Discusses this Below.

I sent the following conversation between Steve Hassan and Mayim Bialik to an individual who I felt was very entrenched in some cult dynamics, after he had been very abusive, strangling me repeatedly as an intimidation tactic, as well as being mentally and emotionally violent towards me.

I never heard from him again, which was a kind of confirmation for me. It told me that the following content landed and it hit a nerve, his nerves this time, rather than mine. He also lived in a community of back to the land folks, who moved from Brooklyn to rural Maine, up easy street and down a very rocky road. More fodder for fiction. Can’t make it up.

My experience with the individual I sent the video above to, was similar to the experience of the woman interviewed by Katie Halper in this clip below. Although I identify as female presenting, very feminine in fact, internally my experience is somewhat like gender fluidity. Two-Spirit, the term used by many Native Americans has resonated with me for a couple of decades, although I feel like it would be a form of cultural appropriation to identify that way myself. I feel somewhat ambi-gendered. I knew I identify as bisexual at a young age.

I do identify as a Feminist, and I believe that women deserve equality and equal rights and protections under the law. Misogyny is still very real. My exploratory, yet somewhat limited experience of communes and intentional communities, is that many individuals often gather outside of society looking initially for a place away from judgement.

My experience has been that the theory and the philosophy often precedes reality and the advertisement is often better than what's actually delivered and created. What I have witnessed is often a replay of hierarchical structures and similar dominance and authoritarian dynamics, which often equates to a free for all for the men.

All too often like religions, and politics, and law enforcement and other established systemic structures are a mirror of how communes often roll, in reality, as well as cults. If it’s not a free for all for the men, there is often still inherently a pecking order, built into the structure, whether or not it is intentional or just social dynamics and sociology at play. This is true often of families as well.

People manage to go back to the land, yet still carry on with their unhealed dynamics they unknowingly brought with them, and they can play out in very devastating ways when the unconscious patterns rise to the surface. I have experienced this personally, multiple times. Control of money and sex is power, in the USA.