Bliss Fit Health ✨ Wild Light Arts

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Ten Reasons Why I love Tarot


  • the diversity of elements within each deck.

  • the way every reading is new and different and unique to the giver and the receiver of the reading.

  • the archetype cards that make up the hero’s journey or the life path and how they mirror human experience.

  • how relatable the cards are as representations of universal symbolisms and human life phases.

  • how Tarot highlights the shared life experiences of humans globally.

  • how it invites the reader and the receiver of the reading into a spiritually connected space.

  • how transformative it can be for healing spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

  • how we can gain personal and shared wisdom from the insight of the cards in every reading.

  • the artwork and visual representations and the feeling that various decks give us the opportunity to enjoy.

  • how Tarot has evolved and diversified through time and history, alongside humanity, in cultures around the world.